Monday, September 17, 2012

TCP Dynamic Behavior

This post has been moved here.


  1. Easy and clear. I would repeat it and go for the second part. Good job!

  2. This course has been very interesting. It would have been still better if we had seen a real-time demo, for instance, with Wireshark or TCPdump, obviously under Linux. An additional demo of some of the explained commands, like netstat or netperf, would also have been interesting.

  3. Straight to the point and easy to follow course about the dynamics of TCP. I especially liked the Congestion Control part which is diregarded in other courses.

  4. Excellent course, congratulations! Very good introduction part to bring back old knowledge about TCP and very useful part about congestion control.

  5. Really good, really interesting. I hope that other day we will have more time to see all the content. Congratulations Javier!


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